Frequently Asked Questions
pre appointment prep
no alcohol or caffeine 24 hours prior
please discontinue all blood thinning substances (fish oil, allergy medications, anti inflammatory medications, ect.) for atleast 48 hours prior
no botox 2 weeks before or after appointment
no waxing or plucking 1 week prior
during appointment
I will numb before starting
During the apt. we will discuss & try various pigment options to determine the best match for you. Then I will build your custom shape using your facial features
A secondary numbing cream is used after the first pass & continued throughout
- After the procedure, gently dab throughout the day
- Keep the area dry for the first 24 hours
- Next day, gently wash with non-scented, antibacterial soap (cont. 2x daily for 7-10 days)
- Dab dry with a clean cotton round
- Apply a thin layer of ointment after each wash
- Don’t: use a washcloth in the area, scratch of pick, steam/sauna/swim for 10 days, put makeup on the area for 10 days, sweat heavily for 7 days, expose area to sun for 7 days, apply anti-aging/acne products for 14 days
FAQ Cont.
Microblading is a process of implanting pigment under the skin with tiny, sterile, disposable needles to give the effect of real eyebrow har and enhance the shape of your eyebrow.
Microblading is a permanent makeup service. Everyone’s skin is different so, for some, the pigment can fade out faster than for others. A touch-up is recommended between 8-24 months to keep your eyebrows looking fresh. On some skin types, microblading can take many years to completely fade away, if it ever fades away at all.
The pain level of microblading has been compared to that of eyebrow threading, but everyone has a different pain tolerance. We use a numbing gel throughout the process to make sure that you are comfortable.
it is not advised to drink coffee or alcohol for at least 48 hours before your appointment. Both of these cause blood too thin and may cause excess bleeding, which can lead to pigment loss and changes, pigment tone that are very difficult to correct without having to remove the pigment altogether. Please also refrain from taking allergy medication any other forms of caffeine, fish oil, and any other substances that could your blood.